Thursday, May 19, 2016

Task 5.2

Q5.2) 1. The right to have access to internet.
2. The right to have freedom of speech on the internet.
3.         The right to internet privacy
4.         The right to gaining more knowledge on technology and the uses thereof.
5.         The right to download files legally.
6.         The right to have online interactions with other people.
7.         They should have the right to part take in online activities.
8.         Citizens should benefit from their innovative internet creations.
9.         Have the right to use the internet however they see fit, as long as it is appropriate.
10.       The right to security on the internet.


Task 5.1

Q.5.1) Living in the 21st century, technology seems to be one of the things that keeps advancing, and it has come to a point, where it has become a big part of people’s lives.

One of the major changes in the digital world, is the ability to connect and communicate with each other from anywhere at any time.  Therefore, one cannot argue the significance of quick and easy communication, as well as more knowledge gained about the go abouts of everyday life on social media.  Technology has become of so much importance in our everyday life, as it is being used for purposes such as, when something needs to be fixed, instead of paying someone to do it, people google for ways on how to fix that specific thing.  Another purpose is that, when conflicts arise or when there are just certain complications, be it in one’s personal life, social life, business environment etc, solutions to these situations is also being googled. 

The restricting of digital rights, therefore has a negative impact on citizens in countries where digital rights are not extended to the majority of its citizens.  The negative impacts being, depriving these citizens from a social life outside their country’s boarders, as well as people not knowing what’s going on in the world.  This sets a huge limit on people’s lives, physically, mentally and economically.

Everyone should have the right to be exposed to digital rights, as this world and everything that happens in it, has effects on the people living in it.  

Task 4

Q.4) As we all know people are free to make use of the electronic world, how and whichever way they like and because they are aware of such rights, they post and use the internet as well as electronics inappropriately.  This is where inappropriate digital conduct comes in.  Employees tend to use their work gadgets for personal use, children tend to serve restricted areas of the internet and people post inappropriate pictures, videos and statuses online.  This has a negative impact on society, as people give themselves and people they associate themselves with bad reputations.  Children of today have also become computer literal, and are being heavily influenced by all they see online. (, 2011)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Task 3.2

 • Linguistic Verbal- These are people that are best when it comes to reading, writing and speaking fluently, they are best with recollecting spoken and written data, and are also great debaters.
• Logical -Mathematical- These are people that are great at investigating mathematical operations and they find satisfaction in running scientific experiments.
• Bodily- Kinaesthetic- Working with their hands, are what these type of people are good at, they are also good at physical co-ordination.  

• Interpersonal- These are the type of people that are known to have great interactivity skills when it comes to other people.  They know how to work well with other people.  Bringing peace between people, when a conflict arises, is also one of the qualities that a person with interpersonal skills have.

These aspects of intelligence, is of great importance within the business world, as all people with all these different qualities, adds to the success of the business.  Linguistic Verbal→ These people can be handy in press conferences, boardroom meetings etc.  Logical-Mathematical→ These people can be handy when it comes to innovative ideas and delivering the outcome of the ideas.  Bodily-Kinaesthetic→ These people can be handy when it comes to the making of new products. They can also be good leaders, as they don’t just tell their team what to do, but they show them how and what to do.  Interpersonal→ These are the type of people that are going to keep the customers within the business, as the customers are satisfied with how they are dealt with.  All these aspects consist of people, that show qualities of adapting to the technological world, and the advancing thereof.

Task 3.1


‘The internet of Things’, is a referenced phrase to any device or gadget, that can be connected to the internet.  It is a phrase that people believe has been made by a British technology pioneer, that goes by the name of Kevin Ashton.

I believe that this concept will be of a great impact on businesses and the society in the future, as it will make life easier.  In a sense that, it would speed up the human movement of doing tasks more effectively.  It will be like a third hand, that works automatically.  What I mean by a third hand in the business world, instead of typing an e-mail, a voice recognition can be installed on computers, to speed up the process of sending and receiving messages.  Meaning instead of typing, one simply just verbally respond and the computer types what is said, and sends the e-mail.  As a third hand in the society,

Thursday, March 31, 2016

TASK 2.2

Rape- The Cold Hard Facts

 • Define→ People said to being raped a lot in South Africa, is the reason as to why South Africa is being named the “Rape Capital of the World”
• Discover→ The problem of South Africa being named something so vicious, arises from people agreeing to this name, but because they feel they are given reason to. Reason being the government not taking serious actions anymore, when it comes to people and even animals falling victims to rape.
• Dream→ Everyone dreams of just having peace in South Africa, if all crimes namely the increasing percentages of rape cases can just stop, or minimized, it will make South Africa a bit safer in this crime department.
• Design→ The best way to turn what seems to be one of the South African dreams into a reality, is for the government to enforce stricter laws, concerning rape and other crimes, and actually setting the rules and making sure society adheres to these rules.
• Deliver→ Taking strict and serious legal actions concerning this problem. It is for the police to show that South African lives matter, and doing something to save rape victims, or preventing more people to falling victims of rape.
• Debrief→ When looking back or evaluating the solution process, after the legal steps were taken, it is of no doubt, that if serious actions are being taking concerning this problem, that the percentage of rape cases, shall decrease gradually. All because the rape culprits, will be scared to face the consequences.

Task 2.1

Digital Footprint Video:

Task 1.2

 Digital divide has a negative impact on social capital, as social capital exists of certain advantages attained from the usage of social networks.  The reason why digital divide has a negative impact on social capital, is because it sets a limitation of social interactions between different groups.  Different groups being the division of male and female, age groups etc.  Thus minimizing people’s power of pushing themselves to being more social, economical and professional.

Task 1.1